Saturday, September 18, 2010

Why I want to go back to school ?

There has been a lot of literature written about the education system in India, or I should say, about the flaws in it.But as per me , the system works fine till high school and the problem creeps in after that.
What are the problems ? What are the reasons behind ?

Well, lets go to a engg college classroom , 4 yrs, 8 semesters - and you walk out with just a degree , a good placement with a handsome compensation and the life is on track. next , lets go to a B school. 2 yrs, 4-6 semesters , more handsome package , a better marriage proposal and life is better. There lies the problem. The institutes are projected as placement agencies rather than knowledge centres. In school , we know that the aim is to gain knowledge , the best reflection of which is marks . there isnt any concept of a job after school, so a student learns - for himself , not for the job. In a college , a B school - he learns , studies for a job. He wont respect his teachers, he wont read books ( all is there on the net ), he wont attend classes, he will still expect a good job and most of the times,gets it.

I want to go to school , because I want to learn , I want to read and study for myself , not for my career progress . I want to respect my teachers again , I want to be disciplined again,I want to be kid again. I have been through two of the best institutes of this country and stays disappointed on the attitude of the students in universities.

Reasons - hell lot of them. What will happen if i won't earn ? How will I survive, my family will be disappointed. Why should i earn less than somebody else in my class ? Which are the companies visiting IIMA/IIMC on first day is in every newspaper. A middle class kid is awed by the mere thought of a 7 figure salary. its a money his father could never earn, so he will just focus on the job , not the learning. Forgetting the fact that if learning is there , job will come by itself.

My advice, go to a classroom to learn , to gain knowledge, not waiting for the placement season.respect your teachers, its the purest of the souls. The day one gives back something to the society , he/she realises the importance of life. teachers do it selflessly , at a price lesser than the peon of the MCD.

Tc. happy reading.