Saturday, March 1, 2014

The kind of people you meet at the gym

I am sure that at one point all of us have been or at least have thought about getting that shapely body. I have been part of this muscle building frenzy for over 7 years now and trust me its overrated, no no no !! I din't get what I wanted, the gymming is overrated.

Anyways, forget it. Today;s point is to talk about the different type of people you meet at the gym. Let's begin :

The gym instructors: lads who din't complete college, ate a lot of pork/supplement, bot bulged without getting rid of that huge beer belly and chose to became instructors. They are always on the lookout for females specially middle aged aunties (rich ones) to have something out of them. They do get, disappointment most of the times.

The Canada returns:  People who will try to talk to you with the accent, going around in their vests with arm bands and all. Can't even run the mill for 5 min. Bunch of stupid losers!

Lanky dude: Inspired by Salman Khan of Maine Pyaar Kiya and Shahid of Ishq Vishq. You better see them after 20 years, they might achieve what they want.

Fat aunties and old uncles: Walking at a speed of 4km/hr on the mill, wasting everybody's time along with their own. Why don't you guys go to the park and do some bird watching? Join a laughter class or a yoga batch, trust me that will help you more than a gym can ever.

The branded bast***: The guy with all super hi-fi branded clothing, just here to talk on his phone sitting on one of the benches. Such a waste of money, time and everything.

Hot babe: Aah, you never see them in the gym, if they are hot already, they don't need to be in the gym, do they?

Hot dudes: Plenty of them there, uselessly sweating it out. More or less, a gym is almost always a sausage fest.

And then people who actually come to gym and need to gym. The average idiots with no aim and nothing else to put their time to.

Tc. Happy reading

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Why I want to go back to school ?

There has been a lot of literature written about the education system in India, or I should say, about the flaws in it.But as per me , the system works fine till high school and the problem creeps in after that.
What are the problems ? What are the reasons behind ?

Well, lets go to a engg college classroom , 4 yrs, 8 semesters - and you walk out with just a degree , a good placement with a handsome compensation and the life is on track. next , lets go to a B school. 2 yrs, 4-6 semesters , more handsome package , a better marriage proposal and life is better. There lies the problem. The institutes are projected as placement agencies rather than knowledge centres. In school , we know that the aim is to gain knowledge , the best reflection of which is marks . there isnt any concept of a job after school, so a student learns - for himself , not for the job. In a college , a B school - he learns , studies for a job. He wont respect his teachers, he wont read books ( all is there on the net ), he wont attend classes, he will still expect a good job and most of the times,gets it.

I want to go to school , because I want to learn , I want to read and study for myself , not for my career progress . I want to respect my teachers again , I want to be disciplined again,I want to be kid again. I have been through two of the best institutes of this country and stays disappointed on the attitude of the students in universities.

Reasons - hell lot of them. What will happen if i won't earn ? How will I survive, my family will be disappointed. Why should i earn less than somebody else in my class ? Which are the companies visiting IIMA/IIMC on first day is in every newspaper. A middle class kid is awed by the mere thought of a 7 figure salary. its a money his father could never earn, so he will just focus on the job , not the learning. Forgetting the fact that if learning is there , job will come by itself.

My advice, go to a classroom to learn , to gain knowledge, not waiting for the placement season.respect your teachers, its the purest of the souls. The day one gives back something to the society , he/she realises the importance of life. teachers do it selflessly , at a price lesser than the peon of the MCD.

Tc. happy reading.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Living Vs weeding

Well , it starts on the very day you are born - people who curse you against people who bless you . there are people who can go all the way to make you happy and others , they can do anything to harm you or bring you down.
" A perfect life is when you can separate the weeds from the harvest "
All of us , being active parts of the cyber age , hardly are aware about what happens in a field . How does a farmer harvest a crop, how he separates the useful from the crap.And well , he does it quite a number of times before the harvest . The more he carries out the process , the better is the harvest.
We can draw a parallel with life too . the only thing a person has to do his weed out his enemies . The earlier , the better . The lesser weeds you have , the better is your crop . The less enemies and people who curse you are around , the better you can extract out of your life. So , start just when you are done reading the blog , start weeding out the unwanted elements from your life and wish you a good harvest.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Are MBAs even dumber than idiots ..??

Watched 3 Idiots some time back . What Amir khan or Raju heerani or Joshi wanted to say that its not necessary to do hard work . Does that mean you can't excel if you are not a born genious. Everybody then his own methods to do things , to learn and to progress in life. Amir calls suhaas , an engineer + a MBA + working in a london bank " A GADHA" . Well , again how can an idiot call a highly educated , well performing citizen a gadha ? So , preachy it was. He thinks that his ALL is Well concept will work with the educated lot of this country , a delivery can be done by some IDIOTS on a TT table, well that makes me think who is the idiot here. I guess most of us have read 5 point someone by the poor Chetan Bhagat and publicly heerani says the movie has nothing to do with it , who is the idiot ..?
Wish amir would have asked the opinion of the students of IIM where they shot most of the movie , it could have been a much better flick.. still you can watch it for pure entertainment . No serious thoughts please....